6 Tips to Help You Maximize Your Personal Injury Claims Compensation

Are you facing a personal injury claim? If so, learn how to maximize your compensation for injury claims here.

Approximately 96% of all personal injury cases are settled before they go to trial. While this is true, it doesn’t mean you have to accept a low offer that isn’t what you deserve just to avoid going to court.

With the help of the right personal injury attorney and the tips here, you can maximize the compensation you receive from injury claims.

If you are injured or suffer damages due to an accident that wasn’t your fault, you deserve compensation. Learn how to get the most possible here.

1. Determine a Fair Settlement Amount

When creating your settlement demand letter, it’s important to determine a range that you believe your claim is worth. Before speaking to an adjuster about your demand, you need to figure out a minimum settlement figure within a specific range you would be willing to accept.

You may want to have your attorney help you with this. Keep in mind, the figure you come up with is for your own information – it isn’t something you should ever reveal to an insurance adjuster. However, once discussions and negotiations begin, it helps you keep your bottom line in mind.

2. Preserve All Evidence

The jury is going to determine the amount of compensation – if any – you should receive based on the available evidence. Even the representative for the other part is going to determine what type of settlement offer to give you based on how strong your case is.

If you are able to preserve evidence, things may be more in your favor; however, there is no guarantee.

To make sure you have the evidence needed, it’s a good idea to take photos of the scene of the accident, as well as your injuries. Be sure to collect the names and contact information of any witnesses.

If there is a police report, be sure to get a copy for yourself and maintain any medical records that you have. Your personal injury attorney can provide you with a list of other documents you should have.

3. Do Not Accept the First Offer

It’s standard for an insurance adjuster to begin settlement negotiations by offering an extremely low settlement amount. In some cases, they may deny liability completely.

The goal of this tactic is to find out if you really know what your claim is worth. The adjuster may also be trying to figure out how eager you are to get money and if you will accept any amount.

After the first offer is made your response should be dependent on if it is reasonable and a bit low, or if it is so low that the adjuster is just trying to see if you will accept. If the offer is reasonable, then making a counteroffer is a good idea – just make sure it’s a bit lower than your initial asking process.

By doing this, you are letting the adjuster know you are also being reasonable and are willing to compromise.

4. Seek Medical Treatment

If you win your personal injury case, it means you have received a fair payment for all your losses, including any injuries you sustained. If you want the best chance of doing this, you need an accurate picture of damages.

This requires the help of doctors, along with other health care professionals to document the injuries you suffered and to formulate a custom treatment plan. This is vital documentation that can help encourage the other side to offer a higher settlement.

Even if you don’t think your injuries are serious, it’s a good idea to seek medical attention. After all, some injuries may take days or weeks to show symptoms. A doctor can determine if there is anything to be concerned about.

5. Don’t Forget to Factor in Future Damages

Personal injuries can result in losses both now, and down the road. You may not completely recover from your injuries before your case goes to trial.

It is crucial for you to consider future recovery when trying to negotiate a settlement amount.

It’s completely legal to include future damages in the claim you make. In some situations, these future damages may make up the majority of your losses.

6. Stay Off of Social Media

The majority of people are familiar with the fact that everything “can and will be held against them” in court. Unfortunately, there are many who don’t realize that this also applies to anything you post or say on social media.

If you claim to have devastating injuries, but your social media pages tell a completely different story, then it may wind up ruining your case. Remember, the “other side” is going to be watching. As a result, it is best for you to remain quiet and let your lawyer handle communication.

It’s also smart to not discuss any part of your injury case. Maintain this silence at least until a settlement is agreed on.

Making the Most of Injury Claims

If you are filing injury claims, then getting the most compensation possible is likely your goal. However, this may not be as easy as it seems.

As a result, it is a good idea to engage the services of a personal injury attorney as early in the process, as possible. This will help ensure you have the best chance possible of receiving the compensation deserved for the injuries and damages you suffered.

If you are on the hunt for a quality personal injury lawyer and want to make sure you choose the right one, check out our blog on how to find the right attorney. We provide personal injury legal services and want to make sure you are confident in the decision you ultimately make.